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Joy Stick is an alt ctrl game that invites the players to continuously caress a penis-shaped controller to inflate the balloon in the game; once the balloon explodes and ejects the particle system, the player wins. The artwork reimagines dildos and the handjob/masturbation experience as a game controller, exploring various kinds of joy, including those found in gaming, sexuality, and intimacy.

signifying the joy of gaming while also gamifying the act of pleasure itself.

Currently, Joy Stick (Handjob game) has been selected as a most likely to send a victorian child in a coma award in the ITP Stupid Hackathon 2024, and may be showing in the ITP Spring Show 2024. (Feel free to share any venues that would be interested in showing the work at yyl328[at]nyu[dot]edu.)


The subject of Joy Stick is joy and pleasure, as these feelings are what a handjob is all about. By taking emotional and physical sensations of both gaming and gamifying pleasure as a medium, Joy Stick aims to reinforce and explore various sensory excitements.

Joy Stick has also been inspired by The Penis Wall, 2014.

other name suggestions

Besides Joy Stick, there are other great name suggestions, including joy dick, joy toy, cocktroller, cumtroller, the master stroke, the hardest game and love handle.

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how does it work

there are three key parts in the artwork:

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same job, different ways (research && development)

there are various approaches to detect the motion of a handjob: